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Expanded polystyrene (EPS) isn't just foam insulation; it's also an innovative building material that meets the requirements for the design and structural integrity of many building projects. Since the 1950s, EPS has been recognized as a mainstream insulation material, but over the past decade, new applications using EPS have exploded. EPS now serves as a powerful design element in greenbuilding practices? Today the EPS industry uses highly sophisticated processes and technologies to manufacture cost-effective, environmentally responsible products.

EPS insulation products have been the subject of extensive research and evaluation over its lifespan. Encompassing a multitude of construction applications from roofing to below grade, the EPS industry stands behind its products with real-world test results. Research data from third party testing laboratories such as Oakridge National Laboratories, National Research Council of Canada, Florida Solar Energy Center, Intertek EL SEMKO and Structural Research, Inc. lend confidence to specifiers, architects and contractors alike.